

En - Thursday sees the last trial session of several persons suing Brussels Government for insufficient action to guarantee cleaner air following the European directives.

It’s then time for action. Thursday evening at 18.00, let’s illuminate the political views on air quality, we want better air through better mobility, we want a city accessible to all and not to the few best polluters. Bring candles, bike lights, flashlights -- any tools that may enlighten our politicians to engage in our fight.


City inhabitants are exposed to a number of pollutants in their day-to-day lives, which can pose significant threats to health and well-being. Levels of pollution vary across the city and citizens may be unaware that they live in, work in, or frequently pass through heavily polluted places. Consider, for instance, two residents living in the residential outskirts of Brussels. One takes the tram to work in the city center while the other bikes along busy roads to reach the same destination. After a particularly muggy day, where the air feels heavy and thick, the two discuss their concerns regarding exposure to pollution and a few questions arise. When and where are they most exposed? How does pollution at home compare to pollution in the workplace? How do the bike and tram compare? To better understand their exposure, they decide to take part in the AirCasting Brussels project. This air quality measurement campaign uses the AirCasting Airbeam, an air quality monitor that measures a fine particle pollutant known as PM 2.5.

In recent months, Brussels residents have come together with Bral and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel to measure the levels of pollution we are exposed to in our daily lives. The project begins with groups of citizens gathering to discuss what we already know about air pollution and what we would like to tell others. From there, we construct research questions based on our collective interests to help focus our data collection. We consider differences in the places we occupy, the routes we take to travel between these spaces, and our modes of transportation.

As participants in the program, the two aforementioned residents, together with a few other concerned members of their community, decide to measure exposure during their commute to and from work using either the tram or bike. With their research question and protocol constructed, members of their neighborhood set out each morning with their Airbeam sensors recording. The sensor is connected to a mobile application, which allows them to see PM 2.5 levels in real time and to record these levels along the journeys they take. Data is uploaded to an online, open-source server, meaning the data collected and uploaded by all Airbeam users are free to use by the public. Because data are recorded with GPS, they are able to visualize and compare their routes on maps.

While the measurements themselves are import, the key to this project is collective learning and action. Citizens work with associations and academia to take on the role of expert and scientist in order to conduct their own experiments and data collection, and to share stories of their experiences. This model is often referred to as citizen science or participatory learning and has been embraced in recent years as a way to empower citizens to analyze, understand, and ultimately change their environments. With the knowledge gained, participants in this campaign are encouraged to take action to tackle the problems that are made apparent through the air quality measurement campaign. Examples of actions may involve showing findings to local politicians, educating our neighbors and engaging them in the campaign, or staging a public awareness demonstration.

Following their own measurement campaign, the group of residents who have now well-documented their commutes to and from work decide to host a neighborhood gathering. They present their results to their neighbors and encourage them to raise concerns at the municipal meeting the following week.

This air quality measurement project allows us to take air quality measurement into our own hands to drive citizen-led calls for clean air. It is time for us all to take on active roles in our movement for a better, healthier, cleaner city. If you would like to get involved and become a citizen scientist, contact Tim Cassiers (tim[a] or Liévin Chemin (lievin[a]

On Thursday, 8th of February, BRAL and MOBI of VUB are launching LOOPER for the Brussels Helmet district.

We’ll come together for drinks and share our daily experiences with urban mobility and planning:

Do you find the sidewalks in your neighborhood too narrow? Is parking a problem? Are cars driving too fast? Do cyclist have enough space on the road?

These are just some of questions we’ll talk about. If you have similar questions or just want to come by and listen, we hope to meet you on Thursday!

If you are part of a district committee or organisation, we can also arrange a meeting and come by your organisation to introduce the LOOPER project!


Thursday, 8th of February, 2018 (7:30 PM – 10:30 PM)



Richard Vandeveldestraat 40

1030 Schaarbeek


Florence Lepoudre
02 217 56 33

Mareile Wiegmann
02 629 22 91

Tim Cassiers
02 217 56 33

The next Brussels Living Lab of Looper will be on Wednesday, May 9 between 19:00 and 21:30 in the Champagnat school! The programme is:

19:00 – 19:15
Reception with aperitif

19:15 – 20:00
Presentation of the projects in the Helmet district by the Schaerbeek municipality

20:00 – 21:30
Discussion and exchange: what to measure to improve traffic safety?

For more information and registration, contact Florence at florence[a] or +32 2 217 56 33!

Also, take a look at the website of the project,

The medical house for the people in Molenbeek (MPLP) organised several Aircasting-workshops with BRAL. The participants have measured the air quality in their district. From these workshops, a new group has formed itself : Hawa fi Molem’. Now they are ready to share their results and their collective knowledge with you.

Moreover, two experts in air and public spaces will present why city development focused on health, calm and safety is really worth the effort. We welcome you to listen tot hem and to have an open discussion.

16:30   Dialogue on air and health with the audience

17:00   Presentation on the effects of air pollution on our health by Raja and Wafa (volunteers of la Maison Médicale Médecine pour le Peuple)

17:30   Presentation by two experts: Nic Da Schio (Cosmopolis, air quality) and Bert (architect-urbanism)  

18:30   Discussion with the audience with questions prepared by Hawa-fi Molem'

This dialogue is part of Molem ma Belle, a participatory, urban festival in Molenbeek.

In general

BRAL considers your privacy to be very important. We treat the personal data you give us with care. We store and use your data in accordance with the provisions of the law on the protection of privacy at Belgian and European level.

Your data will be processed by us:

BRAL vzw
Zaterdagplein 13
1000 Brussels
0(032) 2 217 56 33
Company number: 0413.7443.986

You may always request the information we have about you, have it changed or removed. You can do this by making a simple demand. We will respond to your request as quickly as reasonably possible. We never share your information with third parties unless you give your explicit consent at our request. We can, however, bring people into contact with each other with us as intermediary.

BRAL takes measures to prevent third parties from abusing your personal data. If you suspect that third parties are using your data unlawfully via BRAL, please report this to us. If you have a complaint about how we use your personal data, you can report this, or to the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy or to the data protection supervisory authority in your country of residence within the European Union.

It is possible that we will adjust or change our privacy policy in the future. We make these changes clear on this page. The latest update was on 24/05/2018.

Daily processing

When you send an email to BRAL('s staff), we never automatically subscribe to our newsletter BRALNEWS.


To subscribe to our trilingual newsletter, please fill in your name and e-mail address using the form on our website, or send an e-mail to info[at] We only use this information for the newsletter BRALNEWS. We'll keep you up to date with the activities and views of BRAL and our members, and sometimes ask you for support for actions. After submitting your e-mail address, you will receive an e-mail to confirm your registration. You can confirm by clicking on the link in the e-mail.

We process your data using the services of MailChimp. They store your data on servers in Europe or in the United States of America. We measure the number of readers and the number of clicks to statistically improve our newsletter.

You can unsubscribe at any time via a link in the newsletter or by asking info[at]


If you send an email to BRAL, we will never automatically subscribe to our press releases. We can ask you the question and you can approve of it. You can subscribe to our press releases by sending a simple request to info[at] You can unsubscribe via a link in the press release or by asking via info[at]

We measure the number of readers and the number of clicks in the press release. We do not share your information with third parties unless you give your explicit consent at our request.


BRAL is a member organisation. We keep members' personal data in a member register and process them for member administration. For this, we rely on article 18 of the Law on Associations and Foundations - 2 May 2002:

"The board of directors shall keep a register of members at the registered office of the association. This register shall include the full names and domicile of the members, or in the case of a legal person, the corporate name, legal form and address of the registered office. In addition, all decisions to admit, resign or expel members shall be entered in this register by the board of directors within eight days of the board's knowledge of the decision.” (own translation)

BRAL publishes the names of the members of the General Assembly on our website and in our annual report. We do this to show the support and network we have in Brussels. Future members will be asked whether they agree or not with putting their names in public. They have the right to disagree. Existing members may withdraw their approval at any time.


We keep personal details of donors, bank account number and a history of the deposits.


The BRAL website uses cookies to remember your language preference. Your browser installs cookies to make a website easier to use. You can delete these cookies from your browser at all times. We use Matomo (formerly Piwik) to measure surfing behaviour on our website. We only analyse this data as anonymous statistics, not on an individual or personal level.

Photo and video processing

BRAL respects the legislation on the portrait right (right on image). BRAL will always ask in closed circles for permission to take a picture of a person, and to publish or distribute it. We are not asking for permission when the law does not require it. It concerns:

  • Images in a public place when a person is in the public domain, and this person is not the main subject of the image;
  • Accidental persons in a public place;
  • People in a crowd;
  • Public persons.

We ask for explicit permission if we want to use the image/video for, among other things:

  • An illustration of an article on the website or in a newsletter.
  • An image in an online or printed informative publication / brochure
  • On social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • As a campaign image for a BRAL project

Provision to third parties

In order to achieve our goals, we have agreements with a number of third parties. We made agreements with them in order to secure your personal data. It concerns Exact Online, CLB, Aircasting and InfluencAir.

A number of large parties adapted their conditions of use so that they correspond with the GDPR compliant. These are Dropbox, Google (Google Drive / Google Forms / Gmail / ...), Mailchimp, Microsoft (Onedrive, Office365, Outlook, ...), Matomo (formerly Piwik).

We never disclose personal data to parties with whom we have not entered into a processor's agreement, unless required and permitted to do so by law. If you give us your consent, we may share your personal information with third parties. You may withdraw this permission at any time.


We do not process any personal data of minors (persons under 16 years of age).

Storage period

BRAL does not storage personal data for longer than is necessary, depending on the purpose and the law. The following retention periods apply:

  • Donors: 10 years
  • Newsletters: save for up to 3 years of inactivity
  • Network contacts and participants of projects: until someone invokes their rights or until we find out that the person is no longer exercising the function.

Data security

We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful processing:

  • All persons who can hear your details on behalf of BRAL are bound by the obligation of confidentiality.
  • We have a username and password policy on all our systems.
  • We encrypt personal data if there is reason to do so.
  • We make backups of the personal data in order to be able to recover them in the event of physical or technical incidents.
  • We test and evaluate our measures on a regular basis.
  • Our employees have been informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.

Did you know that BRAL has a useful #BralBib? We are happy to introduce the library to you by putting a book or a file from our archive in the spotlight. This time we're talking about "Sharing cities. Activating the Urban Commons", a practical guide to common solutions to urban problems.

Sharing cities

We start with "Sharing cities. Activating the Urban Commons", presented by Adrien Labaye of Shareable. Adrien is co-author of the book, and he also maps alternative economies for the collective TransforMap.

The book offers an alternative story for sharing in cities based on the urban commons. It contains more than 100 case studies and policy measures on shared use from more than 80 cities in 35 countries. City councils and activists can use this practical guide to devise community-based solutions to urban challenges. Adrien can explain it better. We'll let him speak in the video below (in French with Dutch subtitles).

You can not only download the book for free. You can also find it in our #BralBib.


In our #BralBib, we have books on the environment, mobility, housing, urban planning and much more. In addition, we also have an archive of urban files since 1973.

Did you know that you can use our library? Yes!

The library is open during office hours and closed on public holidays. Welcome!

BRAL, les Casseuses de Crise, PaletActif, Buurtpensioen 1000 Brussel, Corvia & Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles invite you to the public premiere of 4 participative short films: Selfcity, citizens' initiatives create well-being.

Everywhere in Brussels, people come together to make life in the city more pleasant and sustainable. They help each other, create or repair objects, create services or manage goods or places that are accessible to the public. In this way, they offer an alternative to an economy where over-consumption and the collection of property are the norm. At the initiative of BRAL, 4 urban collectives (Corvia, Les Casseuses de Crise, PaletActif, Buurtpensioen 1000 BXL)  have filmed their parcours. The screening of the 4 short films is followed by a conversation.

The 4 films have been recorded in French, without subtitles.


  • Participatory film directed by Joachin Guzman and Aurélia Pfend - 6 minutes - 2018 - BRAL - CVB
  • An open fridge 24/7.
  • An open wardrobe 2 times a week.
  • Not monetary transactions, but care and participation.

Buurtpensioen 1000 BXL -  Pens(i)ons quartier - community pension

  • Participatory film directed by Aurélia Pfend - 5 minutes - 2018 - BRAL - CVB
  • S such as Senior, but above all as 'Service et Solidarité'.
  • Entraided with a heart for the neighbors.


  • Participatory film directed by Manuel Hanot - 6 minutes - 2018 - BRAL - CVB
  • Commitment, solidarity, reup & sharing, horizontality, realistic dreams ... Actors of change!
  • A free furniture workshop, open to everyone, founded by sans-papiers.

Les Casseuses de Crise

  • Participatory film directed by Aurélia Pfend - 6 minutes - 2018 - BRAL - CVB
  • An alternative to a patriarchal, racist and capitalist system. A place for freedom and solidarity for women.

Dialogues and humanities/meetings in the park / EXCHANGES TO CHANGE THE WORLD

  • At 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. 
  • At Josaphat Park in Brussels
  • Location: La Laiterie


BRAL is an urban movement striving to make Brussels sustainable. Along with our members and partners we want to build an environmentally friendly, affordable and solidary city. BRAL organises actions, lobbies, supports citizens' initiatives and provides advice to the authorities. We work in the Brussels metropolitan region, in all its social and cultural diversity.

One of our priorities is better air quality for Brussels. The dissemination of accurate knowledge about this is crucial for our organisation. We take citizen science literally: not only do we train citizens to measure air quality scientifically. We also want to disseminate scientific knowledge to all citizens. This is the task for our new volunteer.


As a volunteer web editor NL/FR/EN, you publish the references to scientific publications on the Wikipedia page, starting with those from our publication.


  • You have experience with publishing articles on Wikipedia
  • You have an eye for detail and can work accurately
  • You can easily handle a computer and type quickly
  • You are in touch with scientific documentation
  • You speak and read Dutch, English and French fluently
  • You are not afraid of repetitive work
  • You can make yourself available once a week in the months of July and/or August
  • You are in touch with the mission and vision of BRAL


  • A volunteer fee of 30 euros for each day worked.
  • Flexible working hours
  • A job that will teach you a lot about air quality in Brussels
  • An enthusiastic and committed BRAL team
  • A cozy and bright office in the heart of Brussels

Working hours: We agree this together on the basis of your and our availability during office hours in July and August.

Location: Zaterdagplein 13, 1000 Brussels.


Send us your CV and a short motivation by e-mail Tim Cassiers, before Wednesday, July 4.


Contact Tim Cassiers at or 02 217 56 33.

paste mailchimp code here

BRAL, les Casseuses de Crise, PaletActif, Buurtpensioen 1000 Brussel, Corvia & Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles present 4 participative short films: Selfcity, citizens' initiatives create well-being. The short movies are fully online on the Selfcity website.

Everywhere in Brussels, people come together to make life in the city more pleasant and sustainable. They help each other, create or repair objects, create services or manage goods or places that are accessible to the public. In this way, they offer an alternative to an economy where over-consumption and the collection of property are the norm. At the initiative of BRAL, 4 urban collectives (Corvia, Les Casseuses de Crise, PaletActif, Buurtpensioen 1000 BXL)  have filmed their parcours. Watch the short movies on the Selfcity website (

The 4 films have been recorded in French, without subtitles.


  • Participatory film directed by Joachin Guzman and Aurélia Pfend - 6 minutes - 2018 - BRAL – CVB;
  • An open fridge 24/7;
  • An open wardrobe 2 times a week;
  • Not monetary transactions, but care and participation.

Buurtpensioen 1000 BXL -  Pens(i)ons quartier - community pension

  • Participatory film directed by Aurélia Pfend - 5 minutes - 2018 - BRAL – CVB;
  • S such as Senior, but above all as 'Service et Solidarité';
  • Entraided with a heart for the neighbors.


  • Participatory film directed by Manuel Hanot - 6 minutes - 2018 - BRAL – CVB;
  • Commitment, solidarity, reup & sharing, horizontality, realistic dreams ... Actors of change!
  • A free furniture workshop, open to everyone, founded by sans-papiers.

Les Casseuses de Crise

  • Participatory film directed by Aurélia Pfend - 6 minutes - 2018 - BRAL – CVB;
  • An alternative to a patriarchal, racist and capitalist system. A place for freedom and solidarity for women.

The droughts and fires of this summer have shown that the climate disasters that were predicted by scientists since many years will intensify (see findings below). 
If you want to act to preserve climate, biodiversity and humanity… then come and join us at this citizen mobilization in front of the European Parliament on 8th of September. That day, hundreds of actions will take place everywhere in the world: 

ACTION: bring your pots, pans, spoons, drums, horns or anything you can and be ready to make a lot of noise.
We invite anyone who has thoughts, prayers, hopes, beliefs or simply something to say to stand up and say a brief word. For anyone who wishes to do more: representatives from a few organisations who are fighting for the climate will also stand and say a few words about their battles. They will be there and open to talk to anyone! Don’t forget to take your lunch with you!

GOAL: call european elects and governments to take more serious measures against climate change: two and a half years later, except Sweden, not any government has respected the Paris agreement. 

Every month a mobilization will be organized to urge politicians for essential measures, with the mass action on 2nd of December as culmination point. Have a look at our demands on
-At Belgian level: more ambition at national level and at the climate summit in Poland (COP24)
-At European level: a plan for massive investments (1000 billions of euros per year), proposed by the Finance Climate Pact:
-At world level: the end of fossil fuels and a transition towards 100% of renewables
-Application of solutions to turn climate change, for example following Drawdown (proposed by Paul Hawken)

Info with Kim (citizen movement) 0499/43.93.50 kimlequang@ and Julie: 0484 65 28 57