

How to mobilize as many people as possible to get together to make the city liveable? Carry out an online campaign or take to the streets? What’s the perfect deal between activism and too little free time? How do we give space to citizen disobedience, otherwise known as illegal activism? Can we best lobby officially or unofficially? 

ARGH! So many questions come up when you as a citizen want to engage on behalf of the city and have an influence on the urban landscape.

In the run-up to a new political policy (local elections, folks!!), we citizens take things into our own hands. We have noted in the last two years that many engaged urban residents are joining together in bottom-up activist citizen initiatives and fighting for better air, more bicycle paths, fewer parking lots, improved relief policies and a different approach to public space and vacant properties. Sometimes the approach is completely averse to the political process, and sometimes people work cautiously with policymakers in the hope of exerting an influence.

BRAL is an urban movement devoted to a sustainable Brussels, and is uniquely well-informed about how the Brussels landscape is shaped and reproduces itself. Together with BRAL for a full evening, we delve into the activism and citizen initiatives and allow citizens (at last, no politicians!) to have their say.

We have invited ten activist practices, citizen initiatives that experiment with the city and with different methodologies. Using a specific (participative) method that will be determined together with these initiatives, you – the engaged, activist citizen with or without a concrete plan – can get started. When you leave the Beursschouwburg late in the night, after CITIZEN = KING, you will know how to take your city into your own hands. Where politicians fail, citizens take over. Oh yeah, YOU = KING!

Air pollution worries more and more people in Brussels. Over the past two years, different citizen groups have measured their exposure to polluted air during their daily life. To measure is to know.  Come and listen to their stories, discoveries and thoughts. Think along and debate what these results can mean for our struggle for the right to clean air!

After 14 years, An has ended her adventure at BRAL. She fought for an affordable and environmentally friendly Brussels on the front line. Because of her knowledge of urban projects such as Thurn & Taxis, together with her diplomatic approach, she was not to be trifled with.

An isn’t the one to yell (the loudest), but those who know her, know she gets things done.

What is her legacy for Brussels in those fourteen years at BRAL? An put our diverse city and many aspects of urban life at the centre. It is in part thanks to her efforts that we will have a tram stopping at Thurn & Taxis in the (relatively near) future, that there is a pedestrian zone in the centre of Brussels city, that participation has been put to the fore in urban planning, … She also helped gain acceptance for the common management of real estate through Community Land Trust Brussels. All the while, she remained critical when the government translated urban planning into urban action. Without a doubt, she will follow the ‘richtplannen van aanleg’ from a short distance. And we at BRAL, will continue her work.

Participation was also a guiding principle for her as coordinator of our team. An was beloved as coordinator because she gave people a chance to experiment, to develop in dossiers and to grow as a person. She wasn’t afraid to let go in order to let bloom. It is for this reason that BRAL supports citizens’ initiatives. Her successor is currently unknown. Piet Van Meerbeek is ad interim coordinator. Soon we will release the vacancy for her position.

Every city dweller in general and urban activist in particular knows that dossiers in politics can accelerate suddenly after years of chilling in the freezer. While we wait and see how An will live that experience from the city hall, we wish her a fascinating time as head of cabinet at the city of Brussels. Her new colleagues are fortunate to have her. We hope that she will push forward towards a better air quality, an ambitious circulation plan and affordable housing for everyone. But most of all: we hope that she will continue to listen to the voices of citizens.

The team of BRAL

BRAL, Cosmopolis and a large academic and civic network organise the first Etats-Généraux de l’air of Brussels. A moment to combine research, open data and citizenship, all in favor of clean and therefore healthy Brussels Air.  

This first Etats Généraux takes place from Thursday the 25th till Saturday the 27th of April.

It will be a gathering for all those who strive for better air quality in our capital. There will be room for discussion and cooperation, long term visions and solutions. The scientists will host the Resistance is in the air symposium, the 25th and 26th of April. A Hackathon will continually take place from 25 till 27 and the #BXLDemandsCleanAir movement have their very own day the 27th.  

BRAL wants to invite all citizens to #BXLDemandsCleanAir on 27th of April in the Pianofabriek.

Come and present your initiative(s) or get to know those of others. This day ends with a political debate. Ask your questions and prepare yourself for a well informed vote in May. Because Brussels wants to breathe.

More info:


  • Tim Cassiers, BRAL, tim[at]
  • Liévin Chemin, BRAL, lievin[at]
  • Nicola da Schio, VUB, ndaschio[at]



Friday 26 April

  • 08:00-09:00: Action of FilterCaféFiltré at the Parvis of Saint-Gilles ao.
    • Public lecture by scientists Gordon Walker (Lancaster University) and Gary Fuller (King’s College London) on the socio-political aspects of pollution, on how to raise the political ambition to make changes to our urban lives, and on the arguments to defend the right to breathe for all people..
    • World Café for scientists and practitioners together with Brussels Academy and Brussels Study Institute
    •  Register here for both.
  • 18:00-20:00 Kiddical Mass, departure at the Porte de Namur, arrival at the Pianofabriek.

Saturday 27 April: #BXLDemandsCleanAir


During a continuous interactive expo, you can chat with the actors of the air movement, understand how they went to work and get busy yourself for a better air quality in Brussels.

  • In Snøw, a kløter (toddler) show about the climate crisis, K.A.K. rebels against all the Adults who don't want to listen. From 3 years old, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 3 euro access.
  • Bruxsel'Air brings an AIRcinéma : great videos of the actions of the AIRtivists.
  • Luchtpijp organises a repair café for your fine dust meter and a children's workshop. You can also buy an Luchtpijp package with meter for 40 euros.
  • Journalist Stefano Valentino organizes a debate on diesel gate.
  • Together with other partners, Bye Bye Bye Kleine Ring presents their vision on a different mobility in Brussels.
  • With the Air for Schools workshop, Architecture Workroom Brussels and Filter Café Filtré want to improve the air quality on the way to school.
  • IEB gives an interactive lecture on the history of 50 years of hegemony of the car in Brussels and its social effects. What would eco-social measures really entail?
  • ProVelo will take care of two things: a fun cycling activity on the closed Fortstraat. So kids, take your bike with you! And the coaches from Bike Experience will present their programme for adult cyclists who are not yet daring, but who do want to improve the Brussels air quality.
  • Greenpeace brings their Serious Game.  Redraw your street according to your desire for a healthier city.
  • EUCG, the European cycling group, shares their experience in measuring air quality and their conclusions.
  • GRACQ, les Cyclistes Quotidiens, receives their local groups to introduce them to the air movement. And they show how people get more resilience thanks to and on the bicycle.

Would you or your group like to show what you did on this topic at the citizen’s day? Please contact

  • Myst’Air à Bruxelles:
    BRAL introduces her new publication on the AIR movement in Brussels and invites you to consider possible policy measures to improve the air quality.  
  • 14:30-16:30: #Airckathon: the answers
  • 18:00-20:00: Political debate “What policy measures for a better Brussels air quality?”
    • And what do politicians have to say to all this? The debate will look ahead, to the government that will be elected in May. But there will also be room to evaluate the current government and the answers they had to the challenge of air pollution. This way, citizens can make an informed choice in the voting booth on May 25th.
    • Confirmed politicians (more to follow): Pascal Smet (sp.a); Céline Fremault (cdH); Viviane Teitelbaum (MR) ; Elke Van den Brandt (Groen); Alain Maron (Ecolo); Martin Casier (PS); Jan Busselen (PVDA-PTB); Joris Pochet (cd&v); Marc Loewenstein (Défi); Sven Gatz (open VLD)

BRAL, Cosmopolis and a large academic and civic network organise the first Etat Généraux de l’air of Brussels. A moment to combine research, open data and citizenship, all in favor of clean and therefore healthy Brussels Air.  

This first ‘Etat Géneraux” takes place from Thursday the 25th till Saturday the 27th of April. It will be a gathering for all those who strive for better air quality in our capital. There will be room for discussion and cooperation, long term visions and solutions. The scientists will host the Resistance is in the air symposium, the 25th and 26th of April. A Hackathon will continually take place from 25 till 27 and the #BXLDemandsCleanAir movement have their very own day the 27th.  

BRAL wants to invite all citizens to #BXLDemandsCleanAir on 27th of April in the Pianofabriek. Come and present your initiative(s) or get to know those of others. This day ends with a political debate. Ask your questions and prepare yourself for a well informed vote in May. Because Brussels wants to breathe.

More info:


  • Tim Cassiers, BRAL, tim[at]
  • Liévin Chemin, BRAL, lievin[at]
  • Nicola da Schio, VUB, ndaschio[at]

BRAL, Cosmopolis and a large academic and civic network organise the first Etat Généraux de l’Air of Brussels. A moment to combine research, open data and citizenship, all in favor of cleaner and therefore healthier Brussels Air.  

This first Etats Généraux takes place from Thursday the 25th till Saturday the 27th of April. It will be a gathering for all those who strive for better air quality in our capital. There will be room for discussion and cooperation, long term visions and solutions.

On the first Etats Généraux de l'Air of Brussels, we gather scientists, open data-specialists, citizens to strive for a better Brussels air quality. - Nicola da Schio, VUB-Cosmopolis

The scientists will host the Resistance is in the air symposium, the 25th and 26th of April. A Hackathon will continually take place from 25 till 27 and the #BXLDemandsCleanAir movement have their very own day the 27th.  

#BXLDemandsCleanAir encourages not only action and knowledge on air quality. We end the day with a political debate. Thus, citizens can hear what politicians promise for a healthier Brussels region and make an informed vote in the regional elections.  - Tim Cassiers, BRAL

BRAL invites all citizens to #BXLDemandsCleanAir on 27th of April in the Pianofabriek. Come and present your initiative(s) or get to know those of others. This day ends with a political debate. Ask your questions and prepare yourself for a well informed vote in May. Because Brussels needs to breathe.

The organizers of the event are available for questions and can get you in touch with researchers and citizens groups. Press partnerships are welcome. 

More info:


  • Tim Cassiers, BRAL, tim[at]
  • Liévin Chemin, BRAL, lievin[at]
  • Nicola da Schio, VUB, ndaschio[at]


Les Etats Généraux is an initiative of BRAL, urban movement for Brussels Bruxelles and VUB-Cosmopolis, Centre of Urban Research. It is supported by a large academic and citizens' network: 

The air pollution in Brussels is so omnipresent that we hardly notice it anymore. Soon, the new publication of BRAL will tell the story of those who demand clean air louder and louder. What started out with questions, concern and indignation, grew into a movement with a vision to challenge politicians.

What is this vision? It is one of better, cleaner and more efficient mobility that serves the people of Brussels. We invite the readers to formulate their own vision, building on their wishes for a better health and air quality by considering different political choices.

Join the discussion on the third day of the Etats-Généraux de l’Air de Bruxelles of 27 April in Pianofabriek, where we will present our new publication. Because #BXLDemandsCleanAir!

In Brussels there’s 6.5 million m² of vacancy. That’s the size of Ixelles! To emphazise this waste of space, we now consider it the 20th municipality of Brussels named ‘Leegbeek’ or ‘St. Vide’.  How we want Leegbeek to be filled? We already hint in the right direction in our publication BXL Plant II, more to follow.

BRAL, Cosmopolis and a large academic and civic network organise the first Etats Généraux de l’Air of Brussels. A moment to combine research, open data and citizenship for all those in favour of a clean and therefore healthy Brussels air.

This first Etats Généraux takes place from Thursday the 25th till Saturday the 27th of April at the Pianofabriek. Because #BXLDemandsCleanAir. The program is almost finalized, here is an appetizer of what you can expect.

Friday 26 April

  • 08:00-09:00: Action of FilterCaféFiltré at the Parvis of Saint-Gilles ao.
    • Public lecture by scientists Gordon Walker (Lancaster University) and Gary Fuller (King’s College London) on the socio-political aspects of pollution, on how to raise the political ambition to make changes to our urban lives, and on the arguments to defend the right to breathe for all people..
    • World Café for scientists and practitioners together with Brussels Academy and Brussels Study Institute
    •  Register here for both.
  • 18:00-20:00 Kiddical Mass, departure at the Porte de Namur, arrival at the Pianofabriek.

Saturday 27 April: #BXLDemandsCleanAir


During a continuous interactive expo, you can chat with the actors of the air movement, understand how they went to work and get busy yourself for a better air quality in Brussels.

  • In Snøw, a kløter (toddler) show about the climate crisis, K.A.K. rebels against all the Adults who don't want to listen. From 3 years old, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 3 euro access.
  • Bruxsel'Air brings an AIRcinéma : great videos of the actions of the AIRtivists.
  • Luchtpijp organises a repair café for your fine dust meter and a children's workshop. You can also buy an Luchtpijp package with meter for 40 euros.
  • Journalist Stefano Valentino organizes a debate on diesel gate.
  • Together with other partners, Bye Bye Bye Kleine Ring presents their vision on a different mobility in Brussels.
  • With the Air for Schools workshop, Architecture Workroom Brussels and Filter Café Filtré want to improve the air quality on the way to school.
  • IEB gives an interactive lecture on the history of 50 years of hegemony of the car in Brussels and its social effects. What would eco-social measures really entail?
  • ProVelo will take care of two things: a fun cycling activity on the closed Fortstraat. So kids, take your bike with you! And the coaches from Bike Experience will present their programme for adult cyclists who are not yet daring, but who do want to improve the Brussels air quality.
  • Greenpeace brings their Serious Game.  Redraw your street according to your desire for a healthier city.
  • EUCG, the European cycling group, shares their experience in measuring air quality and their conclusions.
  • GRACQ, les Cyclistes Quotidiens, receives their local groups to introduce them to the air movement. And they show how people get more resilience thanks to and on the bicycle.

Would you or your group like to show what you did on this topic at the citizen’s day? Please contact

  • Myst’Air à Bruxelles:
    BRAL introduces her new publication on the AIR movement in Brussels and invites you to consider possible policy measures to improve the air quality.  
  • 14:30-16:30: #Airckathon: the answers
  • 18:00-20:00: Political debate “What policy measures for a better Brussels air quality?”
    • And what do politicians have to say to all this? The debate will look ahead, to the government that will be elected in May. But there will also be room to evaluate the current government and the answers they had to the challenge of air pollution. This way, citizens can make an informed choice in the voting booth on May 25th.
    • Confirmed politicians (more to follow): Pascal Smet (sp.a); Céline Fremault (cdH); Viviane Teitelbaum (MR) ; Elke Van den Brandt (Groen); Alain Maron (Ecolo); Martin Casier (PS); Jan Busselen (PVDA-PTB); Joris Pochet (cd&v); Marc Loewenstein (Défi); Sven Gatz (open VLD)

More info:


  • Tim Cassiers, BRAL, tim[at]
  • Liévin Chemin, BRAL, lievin[at]
  • Christiaan Vansteenkiste, BRAL, christiaan[at]
  • Nicola da Schio, VUB, ndaschio[at]

BRAL, Cosmopolis and a large academic and civic network organise the first Etats Généraux de l’Air of Brussels. A moment to combine research, open data and citizenship for all those in favour of a clean and therefore healthy Brussels air.  This first Etats Généraux takes place from Thursday the 25th till Saturday the 27th of April at the Pianofabriek. Because #BXLDemandsCleanAir.
The program is almost finalized, here is an appetizer of what you can expect.
Friday 26 April

  • 08:00-09:00: Action of FilterCaféFiltré at the Parvis of Saint-Gilles ao.
    • Public lecture by scientists Gordon Walker (Lancaster University) and Gary Fuller (King’s College London) on the socio-political aspects of pollution, on how to raise the political ambition to make changes to our urban lives, and on the arguments to defend the right to breathe for all people..
    • World Café for scientists and practitioners together with Brussels Academy and Brussels Study Institute
    •  Register here for both.
  • 18:00-20:00 Kiddical Mass, departure at the Porte de Namur, arrival at the Pianofabriek.

Saturday 27 April: #BXLDemandsCleanAir

  • During a continuous interactive Meet & Learn, you can chat with the actors of the air movement, understand how they went to work and get busy yourself for a better air quality in Brussels.
    • Would you or your group like to show what you did on this topic at the citizen’s day? Please contact
    • Myst’Air à Bruxelles:
      BRAL introduces her new publication on the AIR movement in Brussels and invites you to consider possible policy measures to improve the air quality.  
  • 14:30-16:30: #Airckathon: the answers
  • 18:00-20:00: Political debate “What policy measures for a better Brussels air quality?”
    • And what do politicians have to say to all this? The debate will look ahead, to the government that will be elected in May. But there will also be room to evaluate the current government and the answers they had to the challenge of air pollution. This way, citizens can make an informed choice in the voting booth on May 25th.
    • Confirmed politicians (more to follow): Pascal Smet (sp.a); Céline Fremault (cdH); Viviane Teitelbaum (MR) ; Elke Van den Brandt (Groen); Alain Maron (Ecolo); Martin Casier (PS); Joris Pochet ( CD&V); Jan Busselen (PVDA)

More info:


  • Tim Cassiers, BRAL, tim[at]
  • Liévin Chemin, BRAL, lievin[at]
  • Christiaan Vansteenkiste, BRAL, christiaan[at]
  • Nicola da Schio, VUB, ndaschio[at]

In the last two years, BRAL, Cosmopolis and many citizens groups have learned to measure how polluted the air is that we breathe every day, and to problematize the question to defend all Bruxellois. In this multilingual handbook, we present the experiences of researchers and practitioners with citizen science, in the AirCasting Brussels project and in other non-environmental examples. We also engage in a collective reflection on the methodology of these projects, both from a perspective of civic education and of political mobilisation.

Through the curiosity and the exchange between academics, citizens, and public officials, we become aware of a techno-scientific barrier to a democratic governance of the city. We can cross this barrier if we believe in the intelligence of all actors and in their potential to act collectively to better govern the city.

We hope that this publication can inspire you – whether you’re an innovative social worker or a coordinator of a complex Living Lab. Cosmopolis and BRAL encourage you to collaborate to do research on urban complexities. Let your passion and curiosity be your guides in this endeavor. Because the city deserves it.

  • Do you want to read the publication? Find your copy in our office, Zaterdagplein 13, 1000 Brussels. Or order one through
  • If you are convinced of the work of BRAL, then become a member! You will receive this publication and all the others we will produce this year.
  • Are you interested in a workshop on citizen science to understand how it can help your organisation? BRAL would like to speak at your organization about the merit of citizen science! Contact us for a transversal workshop tailored to adults via
  • In June 2019 at a central location in Brussels, we will organise a general workshop on citizen science with Cosmopolis VUB. Keep an eye on the BRAL website,, for more information!


Liévin Chemin, Nicola Da Schio, Tim Cassiers

Urban movement BRAL and urban research center Cosmopolis - VUB

With the support of INNOVIRIS

As practitioners and citizens fighting for a better socially-just and durable society, we are often confronted with techno-scientific barriers. Our claims are countered with evidence on which we have no grip. Policy making is obscured by a mass of inaccessible, complex and highly fractured data. This often stands in the way of a transparent discussion between citizens and governments and scientists.

From our own experience, BRAL, Cosmopolis VUB, City Mine(d) and Periferia come to a joint conclusion: collective knowledge production or citizen science can be a ladder to climb over the techno-scientific wall to truly participate in the democratic debate.

In our new joint publication we elaborate on:

  • BRAL & Cosmopolis VUB: citizens measuring air quality in Brussels resulted in a movement that set the political agenda
  • City Mine(d) on the Pacco-test: a citizen water quality testing device prototyping process
  • Periferia: starting from what citizens know, five examples show how it can lead to action
  • Together we recommend how this knowledge is best produced.

At the occasion of the launch of the box containing these four publications, we want to share and discuss our learnings with you. Therefore we organize this book launch + workshop on 27 June, 13h30 – 16h in Muntpunt.

On the program:
13.30 – Book Launch Eurêka + Q&A
14.30 – Workshop (FR + NL) “How to integrate citizen science in social or environmental actions?”

We welcome all practitioners in the socio-cultural sector, associations, researchers and representatives of institutions. Participation for this event is free. Please register here.