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BRAL co-signed the op-ed of NGO Les chercheurs d’air, supported by the Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale at the occasion of World Health Day (7/4/2024). Discover the measures we ask of the politicians-to-be-elected to improve Brussels’ air quality.
On the morning of 12 May, several campaign groups and organizations presented a cake to the European Commission as a playful action to "congratulate" it on the seventh anniversary of the launch proceedings against the Belgian government over poor air quality. The campaigners also compelled the European Commission to base new air quality standards on the latest scientific and medical knowledge.
Between 25 September and 23 October 2021, 3,000 Brussels citizens participated in CurieuzenAir, the largest ever citizen science project on air quality in our capital. These are the results.
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