Build your air quality sensor

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Open air quality data are a powerful, essential force to help us move towards clean air. The good thing is... you, as a citizen, can help measure and map local pollution levels!

Open air quality data are a powerful, essential force to help us move towards clean air. The good thing is... you, as a citizen, can help measure and map local pollution levels!

Civic Lab Brussels is a group of citizens who gather every other Tuesday to work on projects that aim at improving local communities' life. Find out more about Civic Labs here. InfluencAir is one of our projects, you can find a short presentation of InfluencAir here, and our website with the map of air quality here.

If you have any question or concern, feel free to send an email to thomas[a] We will answer you as soon as possible.

This event is made possible by Civic Lab Brussels, Open Knowledge Belgium, BeCentral, Luchtpijp, Civic Lab Leuven, BRAL, VUB, VRT Sandbox and hackAIR (H2020, grant agreement nr. 688363).

34,99€ euro to join…

Civic Lab Brussels, Open Knowledge Belgium, BeCentral, Luchtpijp, Civic Lab Leuven, BRAL, VUB, VRT Sandbox and hackAIR (H2020, grant agreement nr. 688363)

Kantersteen 12
1000 Brussels