Privacy declaration

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In general

BRAL considers your privacy to be very important. We treat the personal data you give us with care. We store and use your data in accordance with the provisions of the law on the protection of privacy at Belgian and European level. 

Your data will be processed by us: 

BRAL vzw
Zaterdagplein 13
1000 Brussels
0(032) 2 217 56 33
Company number: 0413.743.986 - RPR Brussels

You may always request the information we have about you, have it changed or removed. You can do this by making a simple demand. We will respond to your request as quickly as reasonably possible. We never share your information with third parties unless you give your explicit consent at our request. We can, however, bring people into contact with each other with us as intermediary.

BRAL takes measures to prevent third parties from abusing your personal data. If you suspect that third parties are using your data unlawfully via BRAL, please report this to us. If you have a complaint about how we use your personal data, you can report this, or to the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy or to the data protection supervisory authority in your country of residence within the European Union.

It is possible that we will adjust or change our privacy policy in the future. We make these changes clear on this page. The latest update was on 17/05/2024.

Daily processing

When you send an email to BRAL('s staff), we never automatically subscribe to our newsletter BRALNEWS.


To subscribe to our trilingual newsletter, please fill in your name and e-mail address using the form on our website, or send an e-mail to info[at] We only use this information for the newsletter BRALNEWS. We'll keep you up to date with the activities and views of BRAL and our members, and sometimes ask you for support for actions. After submitting your e-mail address, you will receive an e-mail to confirm your registration. You can confirm by clicking on the link in the e-mail. 

We process your data using the services of CiviCRM. They store your data on a server in Europe. We measure the number of readers and the number of clicks to statistically improve our newsletter.

You can unsubscribe at any time via a link in the newsletter or by asking info[at] 


If you send an email to BRAL, we will never automatically subscribe to our press releases. We can ask you the question and you can approve of it. You can subscribe to our press releases by sending a simple request to info[at] You can unsubscribe via a link in the press release or by asking via info[at]

We measure the number of readers and the number of clicks in the press release. We do not share your information with third parties unless you give your explicit consent at our request.


BRAL is a member organisation. We keep members' personal data in a member register and process them for member administration. For this, we rely on article 18 of the Law on Associations and Foundations - 2 May 2002:

"The board of directors shall keep a register of members at the registered office of the association. This register shall include the full names and domicile of the members, or in the case of a legal person, the corporate name, legal form and address of the registered office. In addition, all decisions to admit, resign or expel members shall be entered in this register by the board of directors within eight days of the board's knowledge of the decision.” (own translation)

BRAL publishes the names of the members of the General Assembly on our website and in our annual report. We do this to show the support and network we have in Brussels. Future members will be asked whether they agree or not with putting their names in public. They have the right to disagree. Existing members may withdraw their approval at any time.


We keep personal details of donors, bank account number and a history of the deposits.


The BRAL website uses cookies to remember your language preference. Your browser installs cookies to make a website easier to use. You can delete these cookies from your browser at all times. We use Matomo (formerly Piwik) to measure surfing behaviour on our website. We only analyse this data as anonymous statistics, not on an individual or personal level.

Photo and video processing 

BRAL respects the legislation on the portrait right (right on image). BRAL will always ask in closed circles for permission to take a picture of a person, and to publish or distribute it. We are not asking for permission when the law does not require it. It concerns:

  • Images in a public place when a person is in the public domain, and this person is not the main subject of the image;
  • Accidental persons in a public place;
  • People in a crowd;
  • Public persons. 

We ask for explicit permission if we want to use the image/video for, among other things: 

  • An illustration of an article on the website or in a newsletter.
  • An image in an online or printed informative publication / brochure
  • On social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • As a campaign image for a BRAL project

Provision to third parties

In order to achieve our goals, we have agreements with a number of third parties. We made agreements with them in order to secure your personal data. It concerns Exact Online, CLB, Aircasting and InfluencAir.

A number of large parties adapted their conditions of use so that they correspond with the GDPR compliant. These are Dropbox, Google (Google Drive / Google Forms / Gmail / ...), CiviCRM, Microsoft (Onedrive, Office365, Outlook, ...), Matomo (formerly Piwik).

We never disclose personal data to parties with whom we have not entered into a processor's agreement, unless required and permitted to do so by law. If you give us your consent, we may share your personal information with third parties. You may withdraw this permission at any time.


We do not process any personal data of minors (persons under 16 years of age).

Storage period

BRAL does not storage personal data for longer than is necessary, depending on the purpose and the law. The following retention periods apply:

  • Donors: 10 years
  • Newsletters: save for up to 3 years of inactivity
  • Network contacts and participants of projects: until someone invokes their rights or until we find out that the person is no longer exercising the function.

Data security

We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful processing: 

  • All persons who can hear your details on behalf of BRAL are bound by the obligation of confidentiality.
  • We have a username and password policy on all our systems.
  • We encrypt personal data if there is reason to do so. 
  • We make backups of the personal data in order to be able to recover them in the event of physical or technical incidents.
  • We test and evaluate our measures on a regular basis.
  • Our employees have been informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.