Workshop FREE 54 X ENTREE


The municipal elections are coming up, and of course political parties will be fully focused on winning votes... but are young people and public space on their list of priorities?

To find out, FREE 54, together with the Brussels youth housing umbrella organisation ENTREE, is organising a workshop on the 8th of August, in preparation for the big debate in which BRAL is also participating, which will take place at the AB on the 8th of September.

Course of the workshop:

Group discussion

How can young people engage in debate with experienced politicians and how do you bring topics onto the political agenda? During a group discussion, we approach the topic and come up with strong questions we wish to put to politicians.

Free speech campaign building

The prepared questions addressed to politicians are then presented in the public space. Joint video interventions are created in front of a green screen, which are then deployed as part of a social media and video campaign that serves as an invitation to a major debate on the topic.

The big debate (8th of september)

That final debate will take place on the 8th of September in the AB's main concert hall. Using a scenography, a public space will be recreated. Here, politicians will take the floor and offer answers to the questions young people are asking about public spaces in the city. The debate will be animated by Free 54, BRAL, Zinneke, Ancienne Belgique, Toestand, Frontal, Dakh, Stadskanker, Entree, Cassonade & Octopussy.


🡆 find more info on the workshop here


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