A coalition of citizen associations engaged in road safety demands a clear message on City 30 and asks to support it by additional measures: they are key to the effective improvement of the safety of all road users.
7 September 2020 marks the first ever International Day for Clean Air and Blue Skies, organised by the United Nations (UN). Did you know that air pollution is one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally?
Wijkbewoners en verenigingen voeren de druk op voor een moratorium van de RPA’s (richtplannen van aanleg) in Brussel in een nieuw platform ‘Bas les PAD’. BRAL steunt het platform, omdat de eisen overeenkomen met de onze.
The European Court of Justice has ruled in favour of the citizens & Client Earth taking the Brussels region to court over air quality!
The air pollution in Brussels is so omnipresent that we hardly notice it anymore. Soon, the new publication of BRAL will tell the story of those who demand clean air louder and louder.
It turned out to be a hot Spring in Berlin as we arrived in the midst of debates about the temporary use of land, renting madness and urban commons. Topics we’re not entirely unfamiliar with in Brussels …
Commission en direct wrote an article on their colleagues at the European Commission who joined the citizen science project 'AirCasting' of BRAL and Cosmopolis. You can read the full article here.
AirCasting sensors allow for real-time measurement of exposure to pollutants in the air, enabling Brussels residents to become researchers in a collective learning and action project. Together we answer the question "Where are we most at risk?"
Farewell urban motorway, so long traffic jams, bye-bye pollution! Let's give back the boulevards of the Petite Ceinture to the people of Brussels again. To all the people of Brussels.
BRAL, a Belgian NGO that aims at making Brussels more sustainable, demonstrated in front of the European Council’s.