Hold your Pee & Poo When it rains

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Help, the sewers are leaking! Every year huge volumes of wastewater flow directly into the canal and the Senne via the sewage overflows. This happens when it rains and in Belgium, it doesn’t just rain – il drache.

Help, the sewers are leaking! Every year huge volumes of wastewater flow directly into the canal and the Senne via the sewage overflows. This happens when it rains and in Belgium, it doesn’t just rain – il drache.

Canal it up has studied the problem thoroughly and they’ve come to the conclusion that there is only one solution to prevent pollution… We’ll just have to hold our pee and poo when it rains.

Why so? Because our pee and poo have to share the sewage pipes with invasive rainwater, and when it’s raining cats and dogs, as it so often is in our dear plat pays, the sewers overflow into the river and the canal – Adieu cats, dogs, pee and poo!

And so, to make sure that only rainwater overflows, we’ll just have to hold it when it rains. That’s the only way to finally get a clean river and canal.

To succeed, we’ll need every Brusseleir to participate. So, spread the word!




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