Debate: Are we lost in public space?

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In 2015, young people were driven away from St Catherine's Square. Terraces replaced benches, chains replaced local restaurants, and the soul of the square gradually disappeared. 

This trend seems to be spreading throughout the city centre. Terraces have also taken over squares and pavements elsewhere in the city. Public benches are scarcer than ever and drinking alcohol has become illegal, at least on the streets.  

Non-inclusive policy

With these measures, the less fortunate are seen as problems on the streets. Those who can spend money are given a privileged place in what was previously considered public space. 

Brussels is changing in a non-inclusive way: the city is being shaped according to commercial logic, often led by non-local investors, who are slowly but surely crowding out people who want to use the city to live and reside. 

Right to the city

However, this informal public space has an important informal value. It strengthens, connects and gives breathing space. But why is it then systematically seized? People with less purchasing power, which often includes the youth, also have a right to the city. 

We, the young people who used to hang out at '54' / 'Sainte-Cath', therefore ask ourselves, "Are we losing our public spaces? Do citizens feel connected to the city today?" 

With the elections looming, BRAL and Free 54 are throwing themselves into the fray once again. They join forces with Zinneke, Ancienne Belgique, Toestand Vzw, Frontal Soundsystem, Dakh, Stadskanker, Entree, Cassonade & Octopusssy. 

To address these concerns, we are jointly organising an event where we ask politicians to listen to and reflect on the youth's perspective. All democratic parties confirmed their presence:

  • Mathias Vanden Borre (NVA)
  • David Weytsman (MR-Open VLD)
  • Bart Dhondt (Groen-Ecolo)
  • Mathilde Vermeire (CD&V-Les Engagés)
  • Fabian Maingain (Défi)
  • Anaïs Maes (Vooruit-PS)
  • Bruno Bauwens (PVDA-PTB)
  • M'Hamed Kasmi (Team Fouad Ahidar)

Rendezvous at the Ancienne Belgique on 8 September at 4pm! Register via this link.

For the organisation of the debate, scenography and artistic framing, we can always use financial help. That is why a growfunding has been set up. Take a look via this link, you get very nice rewards in return for your support.

BRAL - Stadsbeweging voor Brussel
Zinneke, Ancienne Belgique, Toestand vzw, Frontal Soundsystem, Dakh, Stadskanker, ENtree, Cassonade, Octopussy

Ancienne Belgique
Anspachlaan 110
1000 Brussel