
Luchtvervuiling Brussel

Hundred forty health and environmental experts ask for strong clean air measures in Brussels

BRAL co-signed the op-ed of NGO Les chercheurs d’air, supported by the Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale at the occasion of World Health Day (7/4/2024). Discover the measures we ask of the politicians-to-be-elected to improve Brussels’ air quality.

Healthy Air Now

Coalition for Healthy Air treats European Commission to cake

On the morning of 12 May, several campaign groups and organizations presented a cake to the European Commission as a playful action to "congratulate" it on the seventh anniversary of the launch proceedings against the Belgian government over poor air quality. The campaigners also compelled the European Commission to base new air quality standards on the latest scientific and medical knowledge.


CurieuzenAir reveals a striking disparity in air pollution levels across Brussels

Between 25 September and 23 October 2021, 3,000 Brussels citizens participated in CurieuzenAir, the largest ever citizen science project on air quality in our capital. These are the results.


5.578 candidate citizen scientists for CurieuzenAir BXL

The inhabitants of Brussels are enthusiastic about mapping out air quality themselves. When the registration period for CurieuzenAir BXL ended on Sunday 13 June, the counter stood at 5.578. 


Press release Video Plan B Josaphat

Man, plant and animal are at stake on the Brussels Josaphat site. The Brussels government will have to choose. Does it want to be the last government of the 20th century or the first government of the 21st century?


CITY 30 - Let's not compromise on road safety!

A coalition of citizen associations engaged in road safety demands a clear message on City 30 and asks to support it by additional measures: they are key to the effective improvement of the safety of all road users.


#CleanAirForAll: Brussels air quality network calls for better health protection for Brussels residents

7 September 2020 marks the first ever International Day for Clean Air and Blue Skies, organised by the United Nations (UN). Did you know that air pollution is one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally?


Declaration of the Collective Bas les PAD

Wijkbewoners en verenigingen voeren de druk op voor een moratorium van de RPA’s (richtplannen van aanleg) in Brussel in een nieuw platform ‘Bas les PAD’. BRAL steunt het platform, omdat de eisen overeenkomen met de onze.


#BXLDemandsCleanAir on the Etats Généraux de l’Air

BRAL, Cosmopolis and a large academic and civic network organise the first Etats Généraux de l’Air of Brussels. The program is almost finalized. 


Save the date: first Etats Generaux de l’Air de Bruxelles, 25-27 April

The first Etats Generaux de l’Air de Bruxelles combines a research symposium, a hackathon and a citizens’ day to join forces for a better air quality in Brussels.


The Wiertz Museum and Europe belong to us… as well!

At the feet of the Brussels European Parliament, on the other side of rue Vautier, the Wiertz Museum accommodates not only the work of Antoine Wiertz precursor of Belgian surrealism, but also houses the memory of Henry Conscience.


Protest at EU Environment Ministers meeting to discuss airquality (+pix)

BRAL, a Belgian NGO that aims at making Brussels more sustainable, demonstrated in front of the European Council’s.