
Hier vind je al onze artikels in verband met luchtkwaliteit

Luchtvervuiling Brussel

Hundred forty health and environmental experts ask for strong clean air measures in Brussels

BRAL co-signed the op-ed of NGO Les chercheurs d’air, supported by the Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale at the occasion of World Health Day (7/4/2024). Discover the measures we ask of the politicians-to-be-elected to improve Brussels’ air quality.

Healthy Air Now

Coalition for Healthy Air treats European Commission to cake

On the morning of 12 May, several campaign groups and organizations presented a cake to the European Commission as a playful action to "congratulate" it on the seventh anniversary of the launch proceedings against the Belgian government over poor air quality. The campaigners also compelled the European Commission to base new air quality standards on the latest scientific and medical knowledge.


BRAL and Cosmopolis present: the AirCasters!

Curious citizens measure their exposure to air pollution in Brussels. And they take action! 5 AirCasters explain in a video why they act to demand clean air.  


Smarter living labs - Tips for SmarterLabs

Research driven by the users of a city, inclusive and scalable. That’s what constitutes a smart living lab. BRAL combined the experiences and guidelines with its international partners in a publication and a film.


The empowering virtues of citizen science!

Nicola da Schio, member of BRAL and long-time partner in one of our first citizen science project on air quality, Smarterlabs, wrote an article for Habitatmap about his lessons learned.


#CleanAirForAll: Brussels air quality network calls for better health protection for Brussels residents

7 September 2020 marks the first ever International Day for Clean Air and Blue Skies, organised by the United Nations (UN). Did you know that air pollution is one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally?


Citizen science. Collective knowledge empowers

Citizen science. Collective knowledge empowers is the result of two years of measuring Brussels air quality by citizen groups together with BRAL and Cosmopolis VUB.


AirCasting Brussels: Citizens as researchers

AirCasting sensors allow for real-time measurement of exposure to pollutants in the air, enabling Brussels residents to become researchers in a collective learning and action project. Together we answer the question "Where are we most at risk?"


Protest at EU Environment Ministers meeting to discuss airquality (+pix)

BRAL, a Belgian NGO that aims at making Brussels more sustainable, demonstrated in front of the European Council’s.

Debat stadstol: sleutel voor een duurzame stad?