Mapping air quality in Brussels while cycling to work


Commission en direct wrote an article on their colleagues at the European Commission who joined the citizen science project 'AirCasting' of BRAL and Cosmopolis.

Commission en direct wrote an article on their colleagues at the European Commission who joined the citizen science project 'AirCasting' of BRAL and Cosmopolis.

Commission en direct is the journal for the employees of the European Commission. They interviewed Christine van Wunnik, member of the citizen science group that partakes in the AirCasting project. During her daily cycling commute, Christine collects data on the air quality in Brussels. This is what she learned:

I learned that smell is not necessarily an indication for fine dust pollution and that it is useful to -literally - stay a few meters away from cars and buses.

How does she think their measurements can help policy makers? 

Our measurements can provide input to debates that influence the future air quality in Brussels, such as the development of the new mobility plan for the European Commission.

You can read the full article in the attachment below. Thank you, Cyprian Begu, for letting us share this article. And thank you to Christine and all the other participants of AirCasting for collecting valuable data on the air quality in Brussels!

Do you want to learn more about what you can do? Contact tim[at] or lievin[at]

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